With the abundance of amazingly creative brand designers to choose from, you may be wondering where to start. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out our list of 5 things to do before choosing your branding agency:

Branding, Business

Five Things To Do Before Choosing A Branding Agency

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As we bask in the holiday season and, quite frankly, spazz out over another full trip around the sun so quickly, many of us as entrepreneurs are also taking an account of what we’ve done in 2017.


Be A Boss: 7 Strategies to Take Your Business and Brand To The Next Level in 2018

Being an entrepreneur is a labor of love. Most of us are passionate about our product or service, but have to work hard at learning how to do, and be, everything else. From marketing and accounting, to customer service and client management, we do it all.

Truth be told, we’d rather just eat, sleep, create, and repeat. But the bad news is that your business–or your sanity–won’t survive on that routine.

Thankfully, there are a slew of tools that will help you operate your business (and hopefully your life) more efficiently without impacting your profits so that you can continue to be the badass entrepreneur that we know you are.


12 Free Resources Every Fempreneur Should Have in Her Bag